Why should you go Vegan?

There are many reasons why people choose to go vegan, usually it depends on life experiences, specific interests and how you see the world.

When you look beyond the stereotypical view on vegans, you will see that taking that step to change your lifestyle is something we should ALL do! Here’s why…

To Save the Animals. This is not the only reason you should turn to veganism, but it is still one of the most important factors when it comes to making a decision. Having an emotional connection with animals throughout your life will probably be a part of this reason as well as the belief that every living thing has the right to life. Overall avoiding animal products is one of the best ways to take a stand against animal cruelty and exploitation. ENESS is dedicated to giving you the very best beauty without cruelty, body care products. Shop our products instore or online.

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To Maintain your Health. More and more people are choosing to go vegan because of the many health benefits that go along with it. Some of the benefits include having more energy, youthful skin and a lower risk of cancer. A vegan diet which is plant-based will offer you a diet that is full of protein, iron, calcium, vitamins and minerals – this will help you avoid health issues like obesity, heart disease and diabetes!

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To Protect the Environment. Did you know that one of the best ways you can lower your carbon footprint is to avoid using and consuming animal products? When it comes to producing meat and other animal products, there is a huge burden placed on our earth – From growing crops and using water to feeding all the animals to transportation and factory processes. Going vegan is the easiest and most effective way to stop impacting the environment in a negative way.

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To Shield the People. Veganism means you will be looking after the planet, however plant-based living also means a sustainable way to feed the people of the world. A vegan diet only requires one third of the land needed to produce meat and dairy, and with all the socio-economic and environmental problems – this is the time to change to a more sustainable way to live! Going vegan is a simple way to take a stand against inefficient food systems that affects the poorer people across the world.

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The good news is that once you go vegan you are doing something to make a difference. Every time you go to the shop or order food in a restaurant, every time you eat – you are making a difference. Every time you switch from using an animal product to a vegan one – you are making a difference!


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